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lure的音标路亚lure的读音lure怎么读英语lure音标 13.A second helping tempted me. We refused the offer even though it tempted us.See Synonyms at lure 又一道菜吸引了我;非常有吸引力,我们还是拒绝了参见 lure 14.Lured by ...

13.A second helping tempted me. We refused the offer even though it tempted us.See Synonyms at lure 又一道菜吸引了我;非常有吸引力,我们还是拒绝了参见 lure 14.Lured by

来自Proto-Germanic*lothran,呼叫,召唤,原义为召唤猎鹰的饵食,引申词义诱饵,引诱,魅力等,词源同allure. lure 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 提示:点击例

lai zi P r o t o - G e r m a n i c * l o t h r a n , hu jiao , zhao huan , yuan yi wei zhao huan lie ying de er shi , yin shen ci yi you er , yin you , mei li deng , ci yuan tong a l l u r e . l u r e yong fa he li ju ti shi : dian ji li ju zhong de dan ci , jiu ke yi kan dao ci yi jie shi ti shi : dian ji li . . .


爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供 lure的中文意思, lure的用法讲解, lure的读音, lure的同义词, lure的反义词, lure的例句等英语服务。爱词霸英语为广大英语学习爱好者提供金山词霸

Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they're paying for it by givin

early 14c., something which allures or entices, an attraction (a figurative use), also bait for recalling hawks, from Anglo-French lure, Old French loirre device used to recall hawks, lu



简介:英[lʊə(r)] 美[lʊr] vt.诱惑;吸引n.诱惑;吸引力;饵n.(名词)诱饵魅力诱惑物吸引力鱼饵诱惑鹰师系在绳上用以

1. 引诱:在自然界里香花能招引昆虫(insect)传粉(pollination),但象大花草那样的臭花也同样能引诱(lure)某些逐臭的蝇类和甲虫为它传粉(pollination). 3因为大王花(Rafflesia)开花直